Donnerstag, 4. August 2016

Wall in the green...

Quedlinburg, Brühlpark, Germany

10 Kommentare:

  1. oh, that's lovely! i wish we had stone walls here in texas, but our ground is too unstable (clay and sand) so they wouldn't last long.

  2. Hello, I love the stone walls and the greenery! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. Very interesting wall. Looks old and weathered.

  4. That is such a beautiful wall and what lush greenery surrounding it.

  5. These are beautiful photographs. We don't have a lot of stone walls around here so it is always fun to see.

  6. A wonderful stone fence among the green.

  7. How delightful the green tones are, Mascha! We are having a very long and bleak Winter in Melbourne this year and I am seriously in need of some good weather...
    Thanks for taking part in the Friday Greens meme.


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