Freitag, 5. August 2016

Friday Five and a rainbow

Good morning,
it's friday again and time to join in Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five.


Yesterday in the last evening light I saw a famous rainbow.

I'm linking up these photos with Skywatch Friday, In heaven
and Scenic Weekends 


At this time I came just from the hospital. They brought my mother yesterday there.
I can not see the reason why. Her normal doctor said yesterday it should be
 for some studies only, but why so fast ???
And they make not studies, only take blood.
The sister asked me yesterday evening about her living will and preparedness proxy.
Nobody tells us what is going on, what they want to do
 and how long she must stay there.
That give some concerns.


Because I can not make holidays and travels, I've decided to read a book 
about seaports all over the world.
It includes pictures and texts by great writers.
Reading is traveling in the head and so I have a holiday feeling.


Our narrow gauge stream train.
I see it often on my way to the downtown and from time to time 
we go by it through the mountains.
Always a nice trip...


Some random photos of our flowershop in last days.
I very like flowershops, they seem for me as a little paradise.

That's all for today, now I must go to mom's home and feed the cats, 
later I go to the hospital again.

Have a nice weekend.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, the train and the lovely flower shop are my favorites by far. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Beautiful rainbow,
    and pretty flowers, I like Hyrangea, special...
    I hope your mam gettig well.

  3. oh mascha, i hope your mom is doing better! what beautiful pictures of the rainbow! i saw one the other day but it was so light that i didn't bother grabbing my camera because i knew it wouldn't show up so i just watched it! what a great idea to read about travel, next best thing! thank you for linking with willy nilly this week and i hope you and your mom are well!

  4. Your photos are just amazing, Mascha! Love that beautiful rainbow and also the hydrangeas! I'm sorry your Mom is in the hospital. Hope they didn't find anything really wrong, and that she is coming home soon!

  5. Gorgeous collection of photos. Stunning rainbow and love the old train.


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