Freitag, 21. April 2017

Spring signs...

9 Kommentare:

  1. Mit dem hellen Licht wirken die Blüten zauberhaft leicht :-)

  2.'s so nice to see you back!

  3. I love most the leaves - great sun & shade. Happy weekend Mascha!

  4. Hallo Mascha
    schön das Du noch paar Bilder für Black&White Projekt gefunden hast :-)
    Das erste Bild hatt mir am meisten gefalölen und den habe ich als link benutzt
    LG czoczo

  5. Beautiful spring photos! The light is lovely in each of these.

  6. Your black and whites are stunning Mascha, and love the light falling on the leaves and flowers:) Thank you for linking up to All Seasons!
    To answer your question: I did the subjects only for the month of April, to try out if people would like it - it seems not to make a difference, but am going to ask it for April 30. Have a lovely week:)

  7. very nice light making them so look so pretty and delicate.


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