Sonntag, 30. April 2017

Spiral - and a holiday -

I like the spiral, this archaic symbol of life (right-turning) and death (left-turning).
You can find it often in nature, not only by snail shells.
A growing fern frond, unfolding... or a whirling wind...

Here is my jewelry.

The bowl has a spiral pattern.

We often speak about the circle of the year.
It goes along and we come back to an holiday.
But it is not the same as last year, it is something different, has going along.
For me it seems like a spiral.
Our lives go on in ever-greater struggles. Continue to infinity ...

Today is such a holiday, Beltane. A night of joy, fire and dance...
In the northern areas finally the really begin of spring (we had cold enough until today).
Here ist the Medieval band "Faun", celebrating Beltane.

Happy Holiday

Photographed for GemsWeeklyPhotochallenge.
Shared with My Sunday Best and Photo Tunes.

10 Kommentare:

  1. Happy holiday to you too! Very nice pictures.

  2. Die Schneckenhäuser sind ja wunderschön!
    Tolle Aufnahmen.
    Liebe Grüße

  3. ...Mascha, such wonderful images.

  4. You found som really beautiful spirals!

  5. Gorgeous photos and love the spirals ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a great week ahead ~ ^_^

  6. Your shell photos and jewelry are so beautiful, Mascha! I enjoyed listening to the video song--and it amazed me as they rubbed ritual mud on their faces, as the Native Americans I wrote about today used to do the same thing in Spring to cleanse the poisons of winter off their skin. Happy montho f May to you!

  7. Ich liebe Spiralen... Tolle Fotos, liebe Mascha! Herzlich Ghislana

  8. I get lost in details like these wonderful shells. Spirals are always interesting.

  9. WOW WOW!! So many ways to look at Spiral!


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