Dienstag, 2. Mai 2017

Last Word

This is probably
a good time to say
something profound
& I probably would, if
I believed words could
do that,
but words that sound
profound are often
Because the most
profound things
about living are
felt & require
no words at all.

- storypeople -

14 Kommentare:

  1. Klingt sehr dramatisch.
    aber gut gemacht !
    Ich bin ganz erschrocken, als ich den Post-Titel gelesen habe,
    dachte schon, dass ist ein Abschiedspost :-(
    Aber dem ist ja Gottseidank nicht so :-)
    ♥lichst Jutta

  2. ...Mascha, you have captured a wonderful mood with you collages and images. A wonderful treasure to share. Thanks so much, I hope to see you back again.

  3. That tulip is gorgeous. Such a lovely blend of color.
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/05/down-to-jordan-river.html

  4. Yes, your pictures tell it without words, and the collage pages as well.
    Happy PPF xx

  5. WOW!!!

    profound indeed

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  6. Beautiful photographs and wonderful collages. Very creative and well executed.

  7. wonderful the works!
    Happy Day Elke

  8. Beautiful photography and collage art works ~ wonderful! ~ thanks,

    Happy Day to you ~ ^_^

  9. Gorgeous! Nice photography too. Happy PPF

  10. Your collages are always beautiful works of art!

  11. Wonderful collages, I feel they are so profound, oh yes - words are not needed here.
    I also love ypur poem.

  12. Wonderful photos....and words...so true!! The tulip is very inviting!! Well done!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. Wow fantastic photos. You are so right about profound words. Have a great weekend.


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