Dienstag, 16. Mai 2017

Not a moment...

Not a moment goes by now where I don’t feel you in me,
humming a soft song of belonging & I never realized before
how much it would change how I walk & breathe & love
the world knowing I am home.

- storypeople -

14 Kommentare:

  1. ...Mascha, WOW what a wonderful collection, such an artistic collection of photos and collages. It's wonderful to have you here, please stop back again.

  2. Your posts are always so beautiful - a delight for the eye!

  3. Wow - utterly gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/05/the-dead-sea-aptly-named-im-afraid.html

  4. Such a beautiful post, I love the quote at the beginning

  5. So so beautiful, Masha! You have a lovely spirit, and your art does as well.

  6. sehr schöne Bilder und Collagen
    danke für deinen Besuch bei mir
    liebe Grüße

  7. So beautiful---the first image---exquiste!!

  8. What a lovely post! Love the feeling and the pictures...
    Have a great weekend, take care!

  9. Lovely collage work and filled with emotions ~ thanks,

    Happy Sunday to you ~ ^_^

  10. Beautiful and evoking emotions, Mascha - a beautiful post! Thanks you for sharing your heart with All Seasons. Have a beautiful week!


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