Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017

The way home

I’m not here
to keep you
from the places
you feel you need
to go, she said.
When you’re ready,
I’m here to remind
you of the way home.

- storypeople -

6 Kommentare:

  1. Your pale blue aquilegia is beauty! Happy day Mascha!

  2. A lovely post, Mascha, and your photos are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. I love akleja or Columbine. It is a beautiful flower. Great work with your pages :)

  4. Beautiful at first sight, and your captures never become common place when looked at a fourteenth or twenty-fifth time! Thank you so much for sharing your artful experiences with All Seasons, Mascha! Have a wonderful week:) Also, thank you for hosting Weekend Green!

  5. The quote is really touching. And I like the flowers a lot.


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