Dienstag, 9. Mai 2017


I’m fastest, he said,
when I’m the one that gets to say go.

- storypeople -

11 Kommentare:

  1. Very interesting, Maschas. I like the collages and of course the rushing train.

  2. ...Mascha, your posts are always a treasure for my eyes. Thanks so m,uch for being here this week, please stop back again.

  3. Lovely photos and collages, Mascha. Hope you are doing well. Thanks for linking me to Tanya last time.

  4. Your collages are so creative, and your photography is superb. Always enjoy visiting here. I think your work is very unique.

  5. How wonderful these images are! The combinations are intriguing.

  6. The entire composition of this blog is just beautiful. Well done! I always look forward to visiting. Happy PPF

  7. Beautiful variation!!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Wow there is so much beauty in this post. Your photos are amazing.


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