Freitag, 29. September 2017

Friday Five on the day of St. Michael


This photo I took today in the morning.
The cat likes to have her breakfest on the table.


Finally there's a sunny day.
We had such a lot of grey and rain here in last time.
The public pool has closed yet on 6th of september,
it wasn't a nice time in this year.


I had a lot of mess and trouble in last two months:
existencial worries, broken things at home (which must repaired by myself, there isn't money for a service) and healthy problems too. Should go to the hospital and have the next surgery. But I don't want, I have still enough from the latest (2 years ago). And surgeries dont solve my problems!


Have a lot of allergies, this makes chronical sinusitis, enteritis and other inflammations.
I'm just trying a gluten- and caseinfree nutrition in connection with black cumin oil, calcium, sulfur and curcuma. It's not a fun to renounce from all the yummy and uncomplicated foods and have long ways to get the urgent needed things. In our markets they aren't. And they are so very expensive, that I really can not buy.
Normally I got foods for free from the "table", but they haven't diet foods and fresh fruits and vegetables are very little there.
It's truly awful and the half day I'm standing in the kitchen to make and prepaire anything.
But seems, that it works: after one month my chronic pain is gone and I feel more better. Less allergic reactions now.
Hope, that all inflammations can heal and it will normalize by itself, without 
hospital and docs (they aren't a real help)
And I hope, that I can go back to normally nutrition after some times.
Have a yummy bread again and a cake and noodles and cheese and all that, 
what I so very miss now.


Today is the day of Saint Michael and we will go to our beloved 
"Monastery of St. Michael of the Stone" to enjoy a sunny day in the garden.
Will bring home a lot of photos, show them next week.

Have a sunny autumn weekend.

8 Kommentare:

  1. ...I would hope that sitting by this sunny window would make you feel better!

  2. I'm glad you are finding the awkward diet has helped.
    I too am on a niusance diet, as are my kids. It makes life more difficult but the results make it worthwhile.
    I hope you have a gorgeous day for your outing!
    Xo Jazzy Jack

    1. I only hope, this will be temporarily, because I'm never would be able to make this diet for a long time. Sigh!
      Maybe a temporarily healthy and better constitution after it. 2-3 months...

  3. I hadn't seen much of you, and was worried that things were not going well. I am so sorry the last two months have been bad for you. I hope you can get some help soon. God bless! All my best, dear friend.

  4. What a sweet photo of your kitty. Ours like to sit on the table too.
    So sorry you've had allergies and health issues. Sounds like the new diet is helping even if it is a pain to fix.

  5. It's a beautiful photo. Love the bookcase, the light and the cat, of course! I am so sorry to hear that you haven't been well. I hope the bad times will pass soon. In the meantime, try to enjoy the days.


  6. i am sorry you have been having some rough times with your health and home mascha...i sure hope you will be doing better soon and won't need the surgery...i love where your kitty eats, your house looks so cozy and welcoming! thank you for sharing mascha and i hope to see you again real soon! :)

  7. i love this capture, such a bright happy space to be in! thanks for sharing on just BE.


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