Freitag, 29. September 2017

My autumn waltz

(photos from last year)


13 Kommentare:

  1. Your images are fantastic. I want to be there now. Amazing!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Hallo Mascha, herrliche Fotos zum Thema Herbst zeigst Du uns! Da bekommt man wirklich Lust auf diese Jahreszeit und möchte, dass sofort alle Bäume die schönen Herbstfarben annehmen! Vielen lieben Dank fürs Mitmachen beim Herbst-Erleben. LG sendet Marion

  3. ...autumn looks beautiful for you. Thanks Mascha for sharing your creativity, it's lovely. Take care and please stop back again.

  4. wunderschöne Bilder
    diese leuchtenden Farben
    liebe Grüße

  5. I already want to say "what a colourful autumn you have" than I saw that photos are from last year. Our autumn is full of rain and brown leaves. Thanks for sunshine in my "Windows".
    Wonderful photos :)

  6. Wow, Mascha - I have to travel to another state to get these beautiful bright Fall colors! Awesome captures - it took me some time to take it all in:) Thank you much for sharing this beauty with All Seasons! Have a bright and beautiful Fall week:)

  7. I am so loving this post with all the fabulous autumn colors! I'm definitely not one who get to see it often.

  8. So much Autumn beauty. I especially love the wreath in the window with the candle. It is amazing.

  9. Delightful Autumnal waltzing...
    Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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