Dienstag, 12. September 2017

Something wonderful

All the times I imagined the future,
 I never saw you in it, 
so now when someone asks me what I think will happen, 
even about the simplest things, I shake my head & say I don't know for sure,
 but leave room for something wonderful.

- storypeople -

Photos edited with LunaPic (I was in the mood for playing)

11 Kommentare:

  1. Guten Morgen Mascha,
    na das sieht aber wirklich toll aus !
    Ich habe dieses Programm auch abgespeichert ( erst kürzlich entdeckt )
    Aber bisher nur Farb-Fokus ausprobiert.
    Da muss ich bei Gelegenheit mal schauen, was sich da noch alles zaubern lässt.
    Mich überkommt auch oft so ein "Kreativ-Anfall " ;-)
    Deine Fotos haben dadurch einen tollen Ausdruck !
    Besonders das Haus gefällt mir so sehr gut.
    ♥liche Dienstagsgrüße von

  2. I am again impressed by your miraculous photography!

  3. ...Mascha, what a wonderful array of colors, a treasure for the eyes. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Magisch schön anzuschauen, liebe Mascha. Liebe Grüße Ghislana

  5. Fantastisk vakre malerier.
    Utrulig flotte farger.
    Klem Anne-Mari

  6. i always enjoy your story people and great images! i would love to hear more too on your boyfriend's dna findings!

  7. Oh what lovely photography done with a "painterly" touch! Lovely post, Mascha.

  8. A lovely thought and images! Enjoy your week!

  9. wow these are amazing. I am going to check out LunaPic now. Thanks for sharing. I've come to you today from Communal Global. Have a wonderful week and happy creating!

  10. The yellow and the turquoise really give the photos a fairy-tale appearance, Mascha. Really wonderful!
    Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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