Freitag, 22. September 2017

How to live a life

How To Live A Life (or at least what I know so far…)
1. You already are. Now, when are you going to choose to enjoy it?
(How’s that for clearing up the clutter?)

- storypeople -

16 Kommentare:

  1. Lve the garden and lovely journal photos...xx

  2. Beautiful journal pages with wonderful colours :)

  3. Your collage work is divine ~ and great question you pose ~ thanks, ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores)

  4. Luv your journal pages. Happy PPF Mascha

    much love...

  5. Love your pages and choice of images! Happy PPF!

  6. wunderschöne Arbeiten sind das!!!
    schönes Wochenende

  7. Wow these are wonderful...I missed you here!! Heavier at the start and then is softens up so beautifully!

    Peace Giggles

  8. Very lovely art and a pretty nice way to clear up how to live a life.

  9. The collages are just wonderful, Mascha. The dried hydrangea ae so pretty as well. I haven't seen much of you lately....hope all is well.

  10. Lovely pages and I really like the photo of the garden.

  11. Your collage work is really really good


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