Freitag, 29. September 2017

Mental checklist

Today’s Mental Checklist 
1. Things I know for sure – quite a few 
2. Things I don’t know for sure – quite a few more 
3. Things I’ll discover I don’t know as I go along (only a rough estimate) – 
about as much as things I currently don’t know
 4. Things I tell my children that I don’t believe myself –
 lots, but now they’re older I tell them I’m making it up & they can belie...

- storypeople - 

8 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful collages. Really like the one. It has a gothic sort of feel to it. Love your checklist as well. Reminds me of a line from a Paul Weller song "the more I know, the less I understand." Have a nice weekend.

  2. ...something that I know for sure, you created a special post today!

  3. breathtaking collages! Love them so much! Happy PPF! Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  4. Very interesting collages Mascha

    much love...

  5. wonderful,interesting collages!
    Happy weekend

  6. Always thought-provoking posts from you, Masha!
    Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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