Mittwoch, 8. August 2018

A new religion...

Just starting to organize a new religion,
but it’s slow going because it’s summer & it’s too hot
to be a martyr about it

- storypeople -

8 Kommentare:

  1. Laut Steffen Königer, Mitglied des Brandenburger Landtags ist der Klimawandel die neue Ersatz - Religion. Da sitzen welche zu lange in der Sonne...

  2. I just love your collages - because they are made of paper and not digital, because of the colours you use and because they each tell a story.

  3. What a beautiful green post! I love especially the first photo - maybe they are a crowd of believers of your new religion :)

  4. Wonderful images, as always! I think a new religion would require a bit of planning when it cools off :)

  5. Lovely green!! Agree with Betty, once it cools off, planning of a new religion might work better ;)


  6. Such amazing photos to be seen here Maschas! I am love with your collages. Is the gorgeous green leaves, wallpaper?? Just beautiful!


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