Dienstag, 20. November 2018

A sandstone fortress

Was here last week. A friend with a car brought me there, big thanks!
Know the fortress from my childhood.
In those days it was naturally, full of bushes and hardly to climb.
Now they made ways and stairs for visitors and it is easy.
I am amazed how many steps this soft stone has withstood.
Took a lot of photos, will show them in a few posts during the time.

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

4 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Mascha,
    danke fürs Zeigen dieser sehr interessanten Bilder. Ich liebe solche Orte, an denen man die Geschichte erleben kann.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine wunderschöne Woche.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  2. ...Masha, what a wonderful treasure, that has stood the test of time. It looks great with the colors of autumn. Thanks so much for sharing, take care and stop back when you can.

  3. Beautiful autumn photos and the location is fascinating

  4. wow
    das sieht ja wild romantisch aus
    eine Burge in den Fels gehauen
    tolle Bilder

    liebe Grüße


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