Montag, 26. November 2018

Кышкы сие - Winter cherry

A song from my personal Top 10, a Tatar folk song.
Sings Sulfira Farchutdinova (what a voice!)

Kубэлэклэп яуган aп-aк карлар
Kилеп куна битем oчларына
Кузлэремдэ ай hэм йолдыз нуры
Ботерелэм хислэр кочагында

Эммэ курмим яуган карларны да
Житэклэшеп барган парларны да
Син бит мина буген соям диден
Кыш конендэ пешкэн чиям диден

Кукрэгемэ кысып жылытырмын
Чиям диден сине ошетмэм
Мондый татлы назлы сузлэрне бит
Мин тик тэуге тапкыр ишетэм


Кубэлэклэп яуган ап-ак карлар
килеп куна битем очларына,
иреннэрдэ баллы чия тэме
эрим кебек синен куенында.

Made the translation from Russian - I don't understand Tatar language.
But it sounds wonderful.

White snowflakes are dancing like moths.
Lies down quietly on my face
In my eyes moon and stars rays.
I lose all in an infinity feeling.

But I don't see the falling snow,
The loving couples -
because under my closed eyelids
Today you are

Today my love, said you are Mine,
my cherry winter - he said.
Pressed to his chest,
and promised to warm.

Said frosts cherry is not a decree.
Believe such gentle words
I happened to hear
for the first time

White snowflakes are dancing like moths.
Lies down quietly on my face.
Taste of sweet winter cherry on the lips
And I'm melingt in your arms.

6 Kommentare:

  1. ...and some say that winter is a period of darkness and gloom. This song is so elegant. Thanks for sharing Masha, take care!

  2. I totally agree with Tom . . . The singing is awesome . . Thank you for the translation (extra kind of you -) Your art, your music choices . . . Making my day extra sweet.
    Do you still have snow? We had a few inches , , then it melted - and returned Fall for a while. Lovely Week to You!

  3. Mascha, Brr! This Tartar folk song warms one’s heart. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a lovely song! I'm so glad you shared it. The edited photo is fabulous, even though I usually prefer unedited versions. All the images are lovely winter scenes.

  5. I love your pictures and the music is wonderful. Thank you :)

  6. What a lovely post with beautiful song and artwork. Thank you again for linking up these wonderful posts on Wandering Camera!



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