Dienstag, 29. Januar 2019

Your light

Let me say this clearly because it is time to remember:
you are always the light you see by & if
it is dark in the places you look it is only
because you still pretend the light
will have to come from someone else....

- Brian Andreas -

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

5 Kommentare:

  1. Guten Morgen liebe Mascha,
    toll, dass du an meine Challenge gedacht hast.
    Bitte sei aber doch so lieb und setzte noch eine Link zu meiner Aktion ein,
    damit auch deine Leser auf meine Seite kommen ;-)
    Lieben Dank und liebe Grüße

  2. Was man alles "kaleidoskopieren" kann! Ich finde die "Sterne" immer wieder schön.

  3. Mascha, impressive kaleidoscope photos. Thanks for sharing.

  4. ...light is something to treasure. Masha you have a wonderful collection of images to enjoy today. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week.

  5. You're always so creative, Mascha. Nice post, and thanks for sharing it at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/01/bloomin-beauty.html


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