Dienstag, 15. Januar 2019


I'm not that good with directions but if I were you,
I'd grab big handfuls of sunlight & laughter & love
because when you're making a whole new world
you want to be sure it has the important things first.

- storypeople -

5 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, I can see that blue is a favorite color of yours! Thank you for sharing these treasures today. Take care and please stop back when you can.

  2. Beautiful photos in blue shades.... How come the Physalis is BLUE - some trick of yours :) Happy weekend Mascha.

  3. I do love the colour blue, and I see that you do, too. Wonderful photos.

  4. What lovely images. Pretty flowers and I really like the garden arch.

  5. Lovely images, that purple iris grabbed my attention and said hey look!


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