Dienstag, 19. März 2019

Energy savings

Since there's really never any way to know before it happens,
it's usually better to see how it actually goes
instead of getting all worked up about it ahead of time

- Brian Andreas -

7 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, your collages and photo images are always a treat. The view of that tree is among my favorites. I appreciate that you stopped by, take care and enjoy your week.

  2. Mascha, enjoyed viewing the green-leaf tree. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great photos and collage art.

    Google Übersetzer
    Tolle Fotos und Collagenkunst.

  4. Beautiful trees, Mascha!! I like how you added them to your lovely collages.


  5. I'm intrigued by the photo of the home (?) interior. I think it would be a great jumping off point for an art quilt! Would you mind if I use it for inspiration?

  6. Beautiful - pictures and art work.

  7. Great to see the trees again.

    Thank you for linking up on Wandering Camera.



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