Dienstag, 26. März 2019


I used to eat popcorn for every meal, she told me once.
It made me feel like I was in the movies &
my life would turn out happy in the end.
Did it work? I said.
I don't know, she said,
but I like to think the roughage
counts for something.

- storypeople -

5 Kommentare:

  1. Welch Blickwinkel! Schön!
    Alles Liebe!

  2. ...I like the mistletoe in the tree. A kissing tree? Masha, this is a wonderful collection of your images and collages. Take care and stop back again.

  3. Thanks, Mascha, for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/03/our-orchids-are-showing-off.html

  4. Very artistic blog post, Masha! I like your writing and photograph collages

  5. Love the hand written scraps in your collages, and the dreamlike trees.

    Thank you again for linking up on Wandering Camera.



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