Montag, 1. Juni 2020


They won't know who we are
So we both can pretend
It's written on the mountains
A line that never ends
As the devil spoke we spilled out on the floor
And the pieces broke and the people wanted more
And the rugged wheel is turning another round
Dorian, carry on
Will you come along to the end?
Will you ever let us carry on?
Swaying like the children
Singled out for praise
The inside out on the open
With the straightest face
As the sad-eyed woman spoke we missed our chance
The final dying joke caught in our hands
And the rugged wheel is turning another round
Dorian, carry on
Will you come along to the end?
Will you ever let us carry on?
Oh, Dorian, carry on
Will you come along to the end?
Will you ever let us carry on?
Dorian, will you follow us down?

Songwriter: Agnes Caroline Thaarup Obel
Songtext von Dorian © Universal Music Publishing Group

Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. Ein tiefer und herzlicher Text. Gute Arbeit.
    Grüße aus Indonesien.

  2. ...Masha, you find the most interesting tunes to pair with your art! Thanks for sharing, take care!

  3. Oh wow, Mascha - that sky with the rainbow is stunning!
    Thanks for sharing at


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