Dienstag, 27. April 2021

Best self



 In my dream, I told the
angel I was tired of being
nudget towards my best
self all the time & she
started laughing and then
she put her hand on my
arm. You already are your
 best self, she said. I just
show up now & then
because I'm curious to
see if you remember

 - Kay Skye -  



Shared with Tuesday's Treasures, image-in-ing,

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, this is a wonderful collection of details, just the things that I enjoy! I like the old stone work. Thanks for sharing, take care and enjoy your week.

  2. You have a good eye for capturing interesting detail that many would miss. So glad you share at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/04/cape-hatteras-lighthouse.html

  3. I really love the old building (your first photo). Your attention to detail is amazing.


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