Samstag, 2. Juli 2016

Friday's Hunt

Starts with "A" - abandoned is this old iron mine, where my father has worked.
It was closed in 70ies, thereafter in the office building was an factory-own holidays home for familys and after the collapse of the GDR all factories were closed and that all is abandoned.
I think, it will be there no more for a long time and took any photos.
Remembering, like I stand here as a child, waiting for my dad 
and we gone together home through a big forest... it was always a nice adventure.

Week's Favorite -  a little fountain and my new black linen dress

Macro - these pictures I made on tuesday at the edge of a wreath field.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Warum auch immer, ich bin jedesmal fasziniert von diesen Fotos , diese maroden Gebäude üben auf mich eine starke Anziehungskraft aus.
    Vielleicht auch, weil sie immer meine Fantasie so beflügeln . . was war da mal los, wie sah es früher aus, was für Menschen bewegten sich darin ?!
    Und die Makros sind auch klasse geworden.
    Habe gerne hier verweilt.
    ♥lichst Jutta

  2. Your photos of the abandoned mine buildings are exquisite in their capturing of the desolation. It's always so disheartening to see buildings that no one has cared for, and to think of all the life that once was lived out there - in this case, your own father!

    I'm glad you also showed some lovely shots of yourself and of nature, beauty that goes on renewing itself, by the Creator's continuing upholding.

    Thank you!

  3. love both the maacro shots as well as the fountain. Hope you have a marvellous weekend.

  4. Eerie looking around the old abandoned iron mine. Fascinating photos. And so love your dress. It suits you so well.

  5. Awesome shots of the old factory. It is such a shame that these buildings are abandoned and left to ruin when they could be used for something else. Great shot of the fountain, and really liking the dress!

  6. Such a shame to see the old factory abandoned. Nice photographic tribute to it. Love the fountain. They are such fun pictures to show off your dress! Lovely images from the field. Thanks so much for joining in Friday's Hunt. Hope you have a great week!


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