Montag, 18. Juli 2016

Abandoned blue

There are days so yellow and bright like the sunshine
and other are green full of hope and quietness
and there are days like an abandoned blue
and just they are enriching my life he said
& they sat in the wilderness with their back to the old factory
at the upcoming night and there was nothing more to say

17 Kommentare:

  1. Cool photos. A little creepy and I like it

  2. Another of your so cool story picture episodes. Have a happy week. Remember to stop over and link up. Monday WRites is live

    Much love...

  3. Another of your so cool story picture episodes. Have a happy week. Remember to stop over and link up. Monday WRites is live

    Much love...

  4. Thank you for finding beauty and interest everywhere, and for sharing at

  5. Intriguing and eerie old place. It looks as if some dramatic event has happened here.

  6. As a people, we seem to use things and then move on, leaving things to be reclaimed by nature. Mascha, such a lovely post...thanks for sharing. Stay well and I hope that you stop back again.

  7. I love your mix of photos and art collages. It is always a delight to see your work.

  8. great images mascha and pic story! i really enjoyed it! regarding nancy: i noticed she even deleted her facebook. i hope she is ok!

  9. Oh my, your post is so interesting. Love the abandoned blues you shared. Also the art work so cleverly done.
    Happy Blue Monday and thank you for linking and commenting.
    xo, Jeanne

  10. I just LOVE abandoned buildings-I really like your mixed media In between the photos. Visiting from Kim's.

  11. There's a lot of character in those bones. Funny I guess I had a blue post today too, lol.

  12. Very impressive and even dramatic words and pictures composecd wonderful collages.

  13. Power collages...a sense of deprivation and sadness! Something to look closer at!

    Hugs Giggles

  14. I love your photos, they are very emotive!
    Have a great weekend

  15. Fantastic photos. Old buildings are fascinating.

  16. Abandoned blue is beautifully captured in your collages and in you photos. Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera.


  17. Stunning artwork and beautiful words. Your work is an inspiration :)


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