Freitag, 22. Juli 2016

Friday Five and alldays life

Good morning,

it's time again for Friday's Five with Tanya and Amy.


The good news at first: we had very yummy sweet cherries.
Picked from a wild cherrytree at the edge of the forest.
I know this trees since a long time, but without a car we cannot reach them and I've not eaten cherries since many years. At the market they are to expensive to buy...
Thanks to our friend with his car we were able to pick cherries. 
They are small, but very sweet.
This is for me one of the classical summerjoys and I am very grateful.


For one week I get the daily newspaper for free. That I call comfort of life.
I like newspapers (on paper, not diigital).


My old wooden desk is finally white now.


The last weeks were very busy, full of mess and unexpected incidents.
I still not finished to organize things back in the home, to put all at the old places 
or find new places for somethingthing.
Begun to clean the house, but the vacuum cleaner is no longer working. Silly story!
I have a dust allergies, it's not funny for me to do it with the broom -


Mother suddenly saw in the right eye nothing more, but luckily it was not the begin of an infarct, only an impact of advanced cataract. 
Surgery will be in september, until then is a difficult time for her.
And other concerns...

Have a nice weekend all, enjoy the summertime.

Today I say Goodbye with a song about fairies. 
(When I'm always dreasming of summer holidays, maybe, I should go to the forest,
 be quiet and silent and watch for them - - - ? )

17 Kommentare:

  1. Sounds like you've had a bit of a stressful week, hope your weekend is better.

  2. So sorry to read about your mother, a difficult ime indeed. Love the new look of your desk too. Hopefully a new hoover soon?

  3. What a lovely song. May the Little Folk bring bright blessings to you and your family!

  4. Oh, those cherries do look lovely and sweet. I too love a paper newspaper so satisfying to sit and read with a morning coffee. My mum had cateracts too, I hope your mother's operation will be succesful:)

  5. Hi Mascha, those summer cherries look so good. And, I love the way your desk looks after painting it. Please give my regards to your dear Mother. I hope all goes well with her upcoming eye surgery. Take care friend. Pat xx

  6. For me the flowers and fruit are sure signs of summer...enjoy them while they are here.

  7. I love cherry anything! I agree with you. I'd rather read a real paper newspaper than read it online. Just not the same! You've been busy and I like your white desk. Everything will come together .. really! Sorry to hear about your Mother. Beautiful flowers!

  8. Oh, Mascha, What I wouldn't pay for some of those beautiful cherries. I'd wreck my food budget just for a single handful. When I was growing up, we had cherry trees which produced cherries like those, but when I moved back to Missouri they had disappeared. Old age, I suspect. I can get some cherries called Rainier from Washington, and they're very good, but not the same. You lucky girl!

  9. The cherries look wonderful. Sounds like a stressful week, hoping it gets better for you soon.

  10. prayers for a successful surgery for your mom...i too prefer paper over digital! yum cherries, i haven't had any in a very long time. i remember as a kid going on vacation with my parents one year and we stayed in a campground one night that was full of cherry trees and you were allowed to pick all you cousins and i went crazy picking and eating cherries. i have some very tiny blackberries growing wild in my backyard! your desk turned out nice! thanks for linking mascha...have a wonderful weekend :)

  11. Your cherries look delicious and like you I find them much too expensive to buy at the store so we hardly ever have them. Sorry to hear about your Mother's eye, hope the surgery is successful.

  12. We too are in chaos here...not fun. Trying to get the house worked on and we have had stops every step of the way.

  13. I hope that all will be well for your mother. Thank you for joining Five On Friday, have a good weekend.

  14. Look at those wonderful cherries! Good to hear your news, hope all goes well for your Mother. :-)

  15. Those cherries look delicious! I love the feeling of accomplishment when things begin to tidy up and when projects get finished. Your table looks wonderful. It is so stressful when our loved ones are sick... I hope things go well with your mom. Wishing you a peaceful, relaxing weekend :)

  16. Beautiful cherries! And the flowers are lovely! I always enjoy your artistic eye in your photography. Very nice. You've done a great job with the table, too. Hope you have a great weekend!

  17. An afternoon in the forest, singing and communing with The Little Folk sounds like a very fine way to spend some time!


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