Freitag, 30. September 2016

Friday Five and shortstories

Good morning,
it's Friday and time for Willy Nilly Friday Five and Five on Friday.

Last friday Tom The Backroads Traveller shows this photo (thanks for credit)
and in my mind came five stories.


More than five decades they made the library service. 
She did it with joy, because the books were her friends. 
Often she read stories to the children or the elderly with bad eyes.
It was a popular meeting place. but with the years came fewer and fewer people: 
the younger ones had gone away, the old people died.
Finally she died too. 
The reverend took a book in her coffin.
Surely she reads now all the old stories to the angels...


Hundreds of miles he had driven to this godforsaken place.
Here the deal should be, which would save him. 
But now he sat here and Fletcher did not come.
What was going on? Was he busted, they had arrested him?
He could nobody no reach.
No matter, he thought, now I'm even here, will wait another day.
Long since the last cigarette was smoked and he leaned against the wall.
He had probably fallen asleep ... suddenly the door opened 
and a lovely young woman stepped out and handed him a book. 
Blankly he looked at it.
Suddenly he remembered how much he had read as a boy, 
and soon he plunges into a strange fascinating world again.
Fletcher was forgotten


They biked over here and saw the inscription. 
They brought their books from home and put them on the floor in front of the door.
They read each other all the stories.
Other children saw this and brought their books too.
They exchanged them, and came here every wednesday 
to their self-made library service ...


He drove so many unknkown roads. 
He liked to discover new terrain and old buildings - they had to tell so many stories!
Then he saw the door. Tightly closed.
He was so curious to take  the crowbars and it opened.
Behind he found old straw and lots of garbage. 
He rummaged around and found a book.
He openend it and found written the lives of all the people
 from the farms of the area for more than 200 years...


They got the old building cheap. 
Now they were here to live with all their children and plans and dreams.
 It was not easy, but they were young and would already make it.
The old door would not budge so quickly. 
When she was finally opened, they saw old wooden shelves full shedded and dusty books.
All children helped to make order and to clean the books.
Then they opened the library service again.
Soon people came from everywhere and brought them new books.
It was again a rich library and a lovely meeting place...


Have a nice weekend with a good book 

Shared with Monday WRites too.


Mittwoch, 28. September 2016

Invitation of the day

There are times when I have no idea
what comes next & it’s the thing I’ve
come to love most about being alive:
leaning in to hear the invitation
of each day & feeling my whole
body melt when I say
yes, yes, yes.

- storypeople -

(photos from my archive)

The joy of paint

Posted for the weekly prompt of Our Beautiful World

Montag, 26. September 2016

Kwiaty we włosach - Flowers in hair...

Red Guitars (Poland) - "Flowers in Hair" (1968)


Kwiaty we włosach potargał wiatr,
Po co więc wracasz do tamtych lat?
Zgubionych dni nie znajdziesz już,
Choć przejdziesz świat i wszerz i wzdłuż.

Kwiaty we włosach potargał wiatr,
Dawno zmieniłaś swych marzeń kształt.
I dzisiaj Ty, i dzisiaj ja -
To drogi dwie i szczęścia dwa ...

Więc choć z daleka wołasz mnie -
Nie powiem: "Tak", nie powiem: "Nie"...
Bez wspomnień czasem łatwiej żyć;
Nie wraca nic.

Kwiaty we włosach potargał wiatr,
Wyrzuć z pamięci ostatni ślad,
Bo dzisiaj Ty, bo dzisiaj ja -
To drogi dwie i szczęścia dwa ...

Więc choć z daleka wołasz mnie -
Nie powiem: "Tak", nie powiem: "Nie" ...
Bez wspomnień czasem łatwiej żyć;
Nie wraca nic.

Kwiaty we włosach potargał wiatr,
Wyrzuć z pamięci ostatni ślad,
Bo dzisiaj Ty, bo dzisiaj ja -
To drogi dwie i szczęścia dwa ...
I szczęścia dwa ...

Flowers in your hair ruffled wind,
So why are you coming back to those years?
Lost days, you will not find anything,
Though the world and go the length and breadth.

Flowers in your hair ruffled wind,
We have long changed our dreams
And today you, and today I -
have another luck, another way ...

So although from a distance calling me -
I will not say, "Yes," I will not say "no" ...
Without memories sometimes easier to live;
He does not return anything.

Flowers in your hair ruffled wind,
Throw away the memory of the last track,
Because you today, because today I -
have another luck, another way ...

So although from a distance calling me -
I will not say, "Yes," I will not say "no" ...
Without memories sometimes easier to live;
He does not return anything.

Flowers in your hair ruffled wind,
Throw away the memory of the last track,
Because you today, because today I -
have another luck, another way

Freitag, 23. September 2016

No "Friday Five" today...

... I need the time for gardening and other real things.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Samstag, 17. September 2016

Catch the sun...

Catch the sun with your
umbrella as a stock of
joy for barren time

Freitag, 16. September 2016

Friday Five, this and that

Good morning,
some randoms of this week in pictures
for Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five and Amy's Five on Friday
Im also linking up with Jesh's Seasons


Baking bread like in a fairytale...


A quiet afternoon by the lake,
probably the last swim for this season...


It's plumcake-time....


A typewriter with Cyrillic letters.
Got it as a gift from an old teacher.
It's made in GDR, specially made for her desire.
It's a big treasure for me.


The hydrangeas are tired.
We all are waitning for rain...

Have a nice weekend

Ein Stück Himmel - кусочек неба -

Shared with Skywatch Friday

Mittwoch, 14. September 2016

Wild flower...

(I don't know, what it is or where I've seen it)