Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017


Whenever I go on a trip, I think about all the homes I’ve had
& I remember how little has changed about what comforts me.

- storypeople -

7 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, the German architecture that you show is wonderful, I like all the designs in the brick wall. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon.

  2. Amazing tree! I love the beautiful stonework and also decorative brickwork on the buildings. Have a great week, dear Mascha!

  3. Beautiful architecture and I love the tree!

  4. Wieder so ein stimmiges Ensemble von Fotos und Collagen... Die Ziegelwand mit ihren unterschiedlichen Mustern ist phänomenal... Lieben Gruß Ghislana

  5. Love that one with the bricks and windows!

  6. The picture with windows ans brick walk is the best for me. I like the pattern.

  7. Oh, Mascha, you have some really interesting shots! I enjoyed them.


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