Dienstag, 28. Februar 2017

This moment

There are moments you know in an instant & even if you
 cannot name them for a very long time, each time my 
fingers brush your cheek & your eyes look into mine, it is 
clear there is no moment I’d rather be than here with you,
 making a world together.

- storypeople -

10 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely collages. I love the tea served on the table!

  2. Was für einen Augenspaziergang ich wieder hier haben durfte. Liebe Grüße Ghislana

  3. Mascha, your posts are always a treasure! What a nice china collection. Thanks so much for stopping by, please come again.

  4. Beautiful images,all. You remind the world that permanent treasures are in the written word, and in the heart of the senders.

  5. Beautiful collages. Can't read much German so I don't know what the letters said.

  6. Wonderful collages ~ great composition ~ thanks,

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  7. Wonderful photos and collages...great art~

  8. This is a wonderful post full of very interesting and powerful photos. Love it.

  9. Gorgeous images!! Wonderful collages!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles


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