Freitag, 10. Februar 2017

Friday Five and a big sky theater

Good morning,

it's friday and time for Five on Friday and Willy Nilly Friday Five.
And I'm also sharing this post with Skywatch Friday
Scenic Weekends and All Seasons

On sunday morning the sky made a big theater
and I was lucky to see it and have my camery in hands...
I want to share these spectacular scenes.


After this famous intro came a boring grey day and a whole grey week.
But otherwise it was a good week. I could do some necessary things
 and also had time for a little creativity.
Not every week that happens, 
often the everyday life takes all my time and energy.


We still have not figured out the reason for my computer problems.
Have uninstalled Flashplayer, it has helped something ... and some other measures,
 but problems are not really eliminated.
It's just not a funny job here...


My blog has a little brother now: Color of hope.
The reason is, I have so many green photos but I cannot publish them, 
because green is often not matching with the colormoods of my other photos.
Finally I've created a new blog, especially for green pictures.

And I try to make a weekly linkup "Weekend Green".
It opens friday in the morning and will be active during the week.
You are invited to linkup some lovely green:
that can be a photo of plants or other things,
craftworks, painting, digital art, what includes the color green.

I hope, it will working correctly, still haven't experiences with linkups, 
it's my first try today.


To the beautiful sky I've choosen a simple beautiful song,
 performed by the German singer Isgaard.
I very like her voice.

Have a wonderful weekend

32 Kommentare:

  1. What a glorious, majestic sight!

  2. That top photo looks like it could come from a travel brochure. You live in beautiful surroundings.

  3. what a stunning sky shots. Beautiful! also

  4. What a great heaven! Beautiful!
    With me the sky is gray.

  5. Such beautiful skies. What fun to have a green website!

  6. Wunderschön, ich liebe Himmelsbilder.
    Und das Lied dazu passt wirklich gut.
    Die Sängerin kannte ich gar nicht.
    Werde gleich mal googlen
    Noch einen schönen Tag
    Liebe Grüße

  7. What a lovely idea to have a special place for green photos! I have nothing to link at the moment, but I'll see what I can find in the future.

  8. Wunderbar, auch das Lied..., liebste Grüße Ghislana

  9. oh these are beautiful images mascha, the gorgeous sky against all those red rooftops, i love them! i know what you mean about not getting a lot of time for creativity...i always feel like there are things i need to do around the house so hard to find time...glad you were able to! now i'm going to run over and check out your new blog...i think i have a little green in my post today to link up :) have a great weekend!

  10. Stunning sky captures, hope you find the solution to your computer's problem soon.

  11. Hello, the colors in your sky are beautiful. Lovely collection of images. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  12. The beautiful sky must have been a welcome relief. We're all gray here in Missouri, too.

  13. Beautiful skies you captured! Hope you work out your computer issues. Have a nice weekend.

  14. Mascha, I enjoy your moody skies and the red roofs on the buildings.

  15. The first photo is gorgeous especially because of the red roofs! Happy weekend!

  16. I love your new blog. I will definately be joining whenever I can do green things. Good luck.

  17. Beautiful colours of the skies. Wonderful pictures.

  18. You sure found some beautiful skies! Green is my favorite color. Will try to link up.

  19. I am wondering what is happening with your computer...I tried to glance back through your blog to see if you said. I am on my chromebook and cannot think clearly, but there is one free program that is really good to check for malware...if you are interested tell me and I will tell you what it is...I have used it for years. I think there is one you can pay for, but I just downloaded the free does not run all the time. It is used in addition to your regular antivirus. I run it every so often, if it finds something, I let it remove it or isolate it, and then run it again. It has saved me a couple times. There are other free things to use, but is the one that works the best for me and I won't recommend the others...

  20. These are magnificent sky photos, full of colour and texture. I can almost see the clouds moving.

  21. So beautiful pictures..

    Please visit:

  22. Mascha, the program I use to find malware is Malwarebytes Anti-malware. The free version. Don't take my word for it...look it up. Cnet does a review of it. I knew about it to begin with because my brother made his living working with computers. Since then, I have seen several people recommend it. IF you use it and it finds anything, then choose those items and let the program do what it wants to do, and then run the program again. And if it finds something in the second pass, then I would run it again.

    I have used other programs but this is my favorite...I don't get a bunch of ads, or anything disagreeable. In an ideal world, I would run it at least once a week, but I don't. I just get busy and don't think to do it.

  23. These photos look like something out of a fairy tale, very cool. I'm not sure if this will translate but we had a big outdoor theater named Big Sky which your intro and photos also made me think of.

  24. Oh, I love the red roofs! And am so happy you took the camera in time, since it was a gray day, the following one! The sky is stunning. Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with ALL SEASONS! Have a lovely week, dear Mascha:)

  25. your music is playing - so beautiful. And - your sunrise? makes it seem like the world is magic all around . . . I'll go check "Green" - after the music - must hear every note . . . oh! They are reading Desiderata . . . my happy heart.


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