Montag, 13. Februar 2017


Seen in the corridor of an art gallery,

14 Kommentare:

  1. Fina guldskor! På parad!
    Tack för bilderna! Ha det gott!

  2. Häftigt med alla guldskor! Det har jag aldrig ägt några!

  3. Beautiful pictures and a good way to show them in a gallery :)

  4. how interesting! reminds me of my dad's baby shoes that my grandma had dipped when he outgrew them...she had them attached to a frame with his baby picture...wonder whatever became of that...probably his wife kept it (he remarried after him and my mom divorced) and his wife seems to have kept everything that i would have liked to have as a keepsake...

  5. Goldene Schuhe . . . da können meine gebrauchten natürlich nicht mit halten ;-)
    Sieht echt cool aus, so aufgestellt, Kunst halt.
    Liebe Grüße

  6. Tolle Fotos! Schon alleine die goldene Farbe ist ein Hingucker; die Tür auf dem 2. Bild passt perfekt dazu!

    Viele Grüße, Merle

  7. Makes me think of the Herreys brothers and their golden shoes! I like it!

  8. Golden row of pumpkins and shoes ... makes me think of Cinderella :)

  9. Golden shoes! That looks nice!
    I see that you also like the pattern from birds walking in the snow. Graphic!

  10. You get gold from me with theese specialy pictures!
    Want to go inside this gallery :-)


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