Montag, 20. Februar 2017

At the table...

Equal it the prompt of GemsWeeklyPhotochallenge

Equal is the shape of the bottles.
In two of them is the same wine...

Equal are the plates, bowls, glasses and mates

Equal are the teaspoones and many other things for dinner.
It's good to have many equal plates.
 In the fairytale they had one golden plate too little and thus began the drama
 - the princess had to sleep 100 years...

10 Kommentare:

  1. Alla tre är fina tolkningar på ordet LIKA. Jag har svårt att välja ut bild, men tycker att bild nr 1 har vackra lockande färger med sina vinflaskor.
    Ha en fin ny vecka! 💚

  2. Trevlig tolkning av temat! Det är mycket som kan rymmas på köksbordet!
    Ha det bra!

  3. Tolle Auswahl, prima in Szene gesetzt !
    ♥lichst Jutta

  4. I like the way you´ve been working with your photos! Looks very nice indeed!

  5. Great photos for this theme:-) And you seem to like wine just like I do;-) And your plates are absolutely gorgeous.

  6. Beautiful pictures and perfect for the theme this week my favorit is nr 1 love wine ;)
    Thank you!


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