Freitag, 15. November 2024

Himmelsprojekt - Woche 45 -


 Montag 7:12

Dienstag 7:08

Dienstag 15:46

Mittwoch 16:17

Donnerstag 9:48

Freitag 9:50

Samstag 8:58

Sonntag 8:46 (von Sonntag gibt es einen separaten Post)

Shared with Skywatch Friday


5 Kommentare:

  1. 9:48 was my favorite image because of how the clouds and the fog enveloped the houses.

  2. ...we many of these overcast days here.

  3. Beautiful collection of images. I never get tired of the red tiled roofed buildings.

    1. Especially your comments are often in Spam (don't know, why!), sorry, I found it only today.

  4. Each sky makes a statement. I like them all!


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