Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

52 Photos Project: Celebration

- The last roses -

We celebrate birthdays , Christmas, Easter and other important days. This is normal .
But I think you can also celebrate other days and events all on its own or with framily, friends...
For example, the first snow, the blossoming lime trees , a particularly lovely summer day , the rain after a long time , the last sunny days in the fall or the last roses.
As we focus our attention on the things that they are something special that will be remembered for long.
Celebration means for me to experience and enjoy something deliberately .
We do not need a day standing in the calendar , we make ourselves a day of holiday.
Often we go on those days to a beautiful place, take a picnic or a book from which we each read our poems.
Or simply smell the roses, their fragrance in the heart keep for a long time barren and cold winter ...
The eyes worn and the last rays of feeling in the face ...
Just be creative and find things that mean something to you personally and so let us celebrate life!

4 Kommentare:

  1. A lovely poem, very sweet. It's getting cold here in Rome already, not good weather for roses.

  2. I agree. Wonderful celebration!

  3. Mascha, wieder ein ehr stimmungsvolles Foto.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

  4. there is really a lot to celebrate about life! :D

    flowers are nature's gifts to our celebration of life.



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