Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

Early in the Morning

The cat eats on the kitchen table...
(it has now become accustomed, I can not stop her -)

...and meditate in the light of the candles...

I love this autumn time and the breakfast in the dusk with little lights.

Shared with Tuesday MuseTuesday aroend the world 
Sweet Shot TuedayOur world Tesday

12 Kommentare:

  1. These pictures are absolutely amazing! Wish one day I could capture moments as well:)

  2. Guten Morgen liebe Mascha,

    oh so richtig einladend mit dem sanften Licht. Da mag man/frau sich gern daneben setzen und den Merula bissel kraulen. :-)


  3. Euch auch einen guten Morgen :-)
    Ja, wir haben es richtig gemütlich in der Küche mit den Lichtern und frühstücken oft gemeinsam ;-)
    Da macht uns ein dunkler Morgen gar nichts aus.
    Liebe Grüsze

  4. Hi Mascha my cats also eat on the table top! Glad to meet you and I love your images of autumn. Greetings from Jo (East Africa)

  5. I love the light in these photos. Nice kitty, too!

  6. lovely and cosy ... my kitties don't eat on the table (yet), but they do eat below the table and love to meditate! ;)

  7. You've set a beautiful atmosphere in your home. Very lovely.

  8. Beautiful photos! Beautiful home! So glad I visited from The Friday Flash Blog this morning :)


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