Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

The summer is back...

The summer is back
in our region
and I saw a lot of beetles.
They are called by us happiness beetles...

9 Kommentare:

  1. Lady bugs!!!! Good bugs -- good luck!

  2. I love happiness beetles! We call them ladybugs, and I have heard ladybird, too.

    1. Oh, Lady Bird I've heard as a movie title. I just did not know what it says. Now I'm smarter :-)

  3. We call them ladybugs in the U.S. I bought a container full of them in early spring and let them loose into the garden. I can see why you call them "happiness" beetles, though, because I am always happy when I see one.

    1. Can you buy it?
      With us were quite a lot last Sunday. Sometimes you see a little, but sometimes hundreds ... I think it's the climate.

  4. red ladybugs i call them; have a nice Thursday

    much love...

  5. It's autumn here but the ladybugs are very abundant. They are such a sweet little bug.

  6. You have make a beautiful photo of ladybugs!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  7. Really? How quaint! Glad I dropped by! Patsy from


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