Montag, 21. Oktober 2013


9 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Mascha! This is a wonderful photograph!

  2. Now, this is what I call a very special capture. It needs no words. Lovely. genie

  3. Świetne zdjęcie. Dobra kompozycja, ładne kolory... Czuć jesień...
    Dziękuję za wizytę w moim blogu i pozdrawiam

  4. The glass has such a lovely light amber glow.

  5. This is a gorgeous image.

  6. Beautiful is this photo!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  7. I love this image so much! what is the story behind this window?

    1. It is a park with a small castle ruin. She was for many years inaccessible and completely overgrown. In the 60s, she was again exposed and restored. During this time, probably the yellow glass was used there.
      Now the window is broken for a long time, only this rest .. and outside the yellow tree inspired me to the photo.


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