Samstag, 30. November 2013

Sunny day

Looking for traces of Christmas - pt. 4 -

Some readers of my blog dreaming of German Christmas. 
Well, I live in Germany and I will looking for the footsteps of Christmas in my neighborhood,
 my small town and of course in my home.
The feeling of Christmas I will not be able to convey, 
but some decorations and what I encounter ... I will from now on show in the blog.
For all parts look here

Christmas in a flower Shop

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

Ein Stück Himmel - кусочек неба -

52 Photos Project: Dessert

(Ice chocolat with fruity jelly hearts)

52 Photos Project

Looking for traces of Christmas - pt. 3 -

Some readers of my blog dreaming of German Christmas. 
Well, I live in Germany and I will looking for the footsteps of Christmas in my neighborhood, my small town and of course in my home.
The feeling of Christmas I will not be able to convey, but some decorations and what I encounter ... I will from now on show in the blog.
This is part 3

In a flower shop I saw these Christmas decoration,
which enchanted me and put in a fairytale world.
A feeling like reading in old books about Christmas ...

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

Mein Freund der Baum

Rebekka von  The Boxing Duck sammelt auch diesen Monat wieder Baum-Fotos.
Bäume im November haben den Vorteil, dasz man sie gut erkennen kann.
Wie sie da stehen im letzten Sonnenlicht und in der Kälte...
Ich habe einige Baumfreunde, die ich vor dem Winter gern nochmal besuche, um ihnen einen guten Winterschlaf (und nicht zu schlimme Stürme) zu wünschen.
Dies ist einer davon. In einem Park.

Rebekka from The Boxing Duck  also collects this month again the tree photos.
Trees in November have the advantage that they can be clearly seen.
As they stand there in the last of the sun and in the cold ...
I have some tree friends that I like to visit again before winter, to wish them a good winter sleep (and not too bad storms).
This is one of them. In a park.

Schlaf gut und hab schöne Träume...
Sleep well and have sweet dreams...

Shared with  Outdoor Wednesday

Dienstag, 26. November 2013

Wordless - без слов -

Looking for traces of Christmas - pt. 2 -

Some readers of my blog dreaming of German Christmas. 
Well, I live in Germany and I will looking for the footsteps of Christmas in my neighborhood, my small town and of course in my home.
The feeling of Christmas I will not be able to convey, but some decorations and what I encounter ... I will from now on show in the blog.
This is part 2.

Make a decoration for Advent

Montag, 25. November 2013

Looking for traces of Christmas - pt.1 -

Some readers of my blog dreaming of German Christmas. 
Well, I live in Germany and I will looking for the footsteps of Christmas in my neighborhood, my small town and of course in my home.
The feeling of Christmas I will not be able to convey, but some decorations and what I encounter ... I will from now on show in the blog.
This is part 1.

"Winter and the twelve months" 
I've called this decoration for the round table in my library room 
with bright houses, "snowballs" made ​​of ceramic, an angel and twelve lights.

Mascha mixt montags - No. 24 -


"Allerleirauh" nenne ich diesen Vintage-Pullover mit seiner Applikation aus drei unterschiedlichen Pelzen..
Dazu ein Rock aus glänzendem Material.
Schmuck braucht es diesmal keinen.

"Allerleirauh" ( "Some different furs" - it is the title of a German fairy tale)
I call this vintage sweater with its application of three different furs ..
For this purpose, a skirt made of shiny material.
Jewelry needs it this time no.

Samstag, 23. November 2013

Freitag, 22. November 2013

The house at the corner...

Shared with Weekend Reflections , Pink Saturday


First Snow (Random 5 Friday)

Yesterday it started to snow for the first time .
I must hurry , for there are still a few pots of geraniums on the roof. 
I have brought them finally to the basement, you can see it on the prints ...

But instead of working I am rather like a child over the snow and making snowballs ...

My love came for lunch , I made a gratin, that is happening by itself in the oven and I can do other things...... and my love took pictures of me.

I do not like to be photographed and I am very unphotogenic .
But my love makes beautiful pictures of me . 
He is the only one who can do that ...

I wore these clothes , of course, not to work. But I just needed a photo of it for the next outfit-linkparty by a creative blogger .
There is not about to buy new and expensive clothing , but to combine ramdomly founded vintage pieces and to dress individually with very little money .
This is my concept anyway and this blogger has encouraged me to show pictures of me on the internet.
There was a time when I would have never had the courage to . 
But now it is fun .

Have a geat weekend all :-)

* Random 5 Friday is a weekly meme by Nancy @Rural Journal   
where you share 5 random facts about you, your pets, your kids, whatever!