Liebfrauenkirche Wernigerode, Germany
Shared with InSPIREd Sunday
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Greetings from Jamaica Masha! These pictures are so beautiful. Just looking at them gives me a sense of peace. I am a new Follower of your blog. I look forward to seeing you at the Creative Monday Blog Hop which goes live later today. Take care and have a wonderful week.
AntwortenLöschenGreetings to Jamaica and welcome :-)
LöschenIt is a wonder how the world is connected through the Internet.
See you tomorrow, habe a great time.
Like the spire! Thanks for sharing this week!
AntwortenLöschenoh, i love the roof best. maybe because it makes the church pop with a bit of color. thanks, for joining us this week. have a great one. big big hugs. ( :
AntwortenLöschenI love that it is called the church of Blessed Women
AntwortenLöschenstunning building! I love the name of the church. Do you know if it means a certain group of women, or all women?
AntwortenLöschenIt means the Virgin Maria, I can't better translate this medieval German -
LöschenBy the way: as a child, I also thought it means all women.
LöschenHave a nice and quiet week :-)
Beautiful building.
Hi Mascha, beautiful photographs of a magnificent building.
AntwortenLöschenEine sehr schjöne Kirche liebe Mascha.
AntwortenLöschenLG Sabine
This is a lovely church. I like the spire against the blue sky. Thank you for visiting my blog. Greetings to you from Oregon, USA. ~ NNCY