Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Autumnal park...and a song

9 Kommentare:

  1. Beutiful pictures of autumn
    Have a happy day!

  2. Gorgeous location! Love all the leaves and structures. So pretty.

  3. This location is beautfiul!! I could spend all day exploring!! Really lovely images

  4. What a lovely place to walk and think and notice all the beauty around you!

  5. These are all such lovely photos! I especially enjoy the fallen leaves lining the path. I would love to walk along there!

  6. These are gorgeous pictures! I love the colours. Danke! :)

  7. Wunderschöner Post, liebe Mascha!!! Deine Bilder von diesem Park sind unglaublich schön! Was für tolle Ecken es da gibt! Und das wundervolle Video von Stoa passt so gut dazu!!! Hab's gleich noch ma angeklickt :)...


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