Freitag, 1. November 2013

Random 5 Friday

This is my window to the courtyard. 
Just before (not visible) is my PC.
I sit there often ...

The window seat is extra wide , because in the winter there are many plant pots. 
They are still out there , because it is still mild and frost-free.
But soon I have to bring in the house.
Then everything is green here ...

When they are released in the spring , the window appears to me bald. 
Therefore, I fill it with decorative things in beautiful colors .

I like beautiful colors around me. There are different rooms in different color moods . 
Many blue and aqua tones in the corridor and above.
Below , however , it is cold ( not including the basement , the house stands on the bare earth, no sun here in the back ) and I need to warm colors.
So I have it decorated in oriental colors.
The tulips are made ​​of wood, they are a gift and go great with the other things.

The contrast here are true random colors , which I have not intentionally arranged.
This color moods arise randomly .

I have the habit of clothing that I wear in the season , not in the closet, but outside to hang in front of the cabinet. 
What I have worn and will have to pick up again , airy and not hanging in the closet. 
Only after the wash it comes in again , sometime later.
I have way too many clothes ... but I love them all and I like the changing of the colors, depending on my mood.
And so these random color moods arise outside front of the closet.
But I'm also enjoyed of them. I like to see colors, they make my life richer and more colorful.

And now I wish all readers a great and colorful weekend  :-)

14 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful are your photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  2. Love your collection of colorful treasures Mascha. A great idea to have color in our lives all year long. xo

  3. I tend to do the same thing with my clothing only not quite so color coordinated. Your window seat is lovely. I have brought my plants in because it has gotten too cold and windy for them out on the porch

  4. Oh so pretty...sunny, and so very bright and colorful. As are you winter clothes.

    1. This is still the clothes that I wear now. But especially in the winter I have a lot of bright colors to contrast with the colorless long sadness, which will be here time ...

  5. Oh your window sill is so pretty it would indeed warm up your atmosphere. Love your outfits. B

  6. Oh, I love that window seat and all the decorations....I just love the colors there!

  7. Your home is filled so much beautiful colour! A bright and cheery atmosphere!

  8. Masha, that's a lovely window seat. I know about the plants saga. I just brought in all of the indoor plants and now have to live with them till April. This is one reason I don't really do house plants.

  9. I love your window seat... I'd leave it open so I could sit there anytime that I wished.

  10. Wunderschön bunt sieht's bei Dir aus, liebe Mascha!!! All die wunderbaren Farben, und der Ausblick, ins Grüne, ist auch ganz toll!!!

    1. Ich hab auch extra Rosen und Sträucher angepflanzt - der Hof sah früher echt trostlos aus...
      Es ist ein durchgängiger Raum und die Fenster nach vorn blicken auch ins Grün des Vorgartens... und in die Berge.
      Liebe Grüsze

  11. Beautiful photos! I love the vivid. I, too, have different colors in different rooms to create various moods.


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