Montag, 18. November 2013

Old mansion in november

This old mansion was my first school 47 years ago. 
Later it was a "house of the young pioneers" in the GDR. 
Still later, the community college was in it and now it is sold and no longer allowed to celebrate the beautiful park. 
We played as children often here and the house with his cast staircase to the terrace (back there, where it is white, hard to see, because I can no longer enter the site) seemed like a fairytale castle ...

5 Kommentare:

  1. The fog makes the mansion looks dramatic.

  2. Wow how beautiful the mansion is! It is too bad that it is not in use anymore, but I hope you will always have nice memories of it when you were little. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leave the lovely comment and visit my friend Chel from Sweetbriar Dreams. Take care, Julie at

  3. Beautiful, love the foggy scene...

  4. Wirklich märchenhaft! Was für ein schöner Ort um zu Lernen!


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