Freitag, 6. Mai 2016

Contrasting colors

12 Kommentare:

  1. Your primulas are beautiful Mascha.

  2. Beautiful primula. I think that you have chosen beautiful colors today!

  3. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing and have a special weekend, my friend.

  4. Beautiful Mascha, and I love those contrasting colors. Thank you for once again sharing with Today's Flowers my friend, and have a very happy weekend :)

  5. Beautiful Mascha, and I love those contrasting colors. Thank you for once again sharing with Today's Flowers my friend, and have a very happy weekend :)

  6. Very pretty! Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. same flower, different look. Interesting.

  8. Oh, these are so different! I love the color combinations!

  9. They are beautiful! So bright and cheerful.

  10. 1 - These are beautiful
    2 - Sending Love
    3 - i do NOT expect a response . . . I simply wanted to tell you - YOU Are Grand.


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