Samstag, 28. Mai 2016


(I'm back at the internet only today.
 During the week have reconstruction works in my old home and cannot be online)

14 Kommentare:

  1. It is so good to see you back Mascha. I hope things are going well for you...take good care!

  2. Very pretty! It was good to hear from you. Take care!

  3. That is a very beautiful viola, wonderful shade of blue. So nice to hear from you again Mascha. Take care!

  4. Das Veilchen... Hab eine gute Woche! Lieben Gruß Ghislana

  5. I love blue Violas and you made a wonderful photo of one of them!
    Hope you are going well.

  6. Immer wieder schön :-)
    Liebe Grüße von mir

  7. Such a pretty macro. And love the drop of water on the petal.

  8. love the purple/blue viola. So pretty.

  9. luv the colour and the vibrant center

    Monday WRites 60 is live

    Have a very good week Mascha

    much love...

  10. Beautiful for Blue Monday. I linked too!

  11. A reminder for you Mascha whenever you are online... And an invitation to join in my linkup!

    I wish everything is going great with the renovation...

  12. Greetings Mascha, an exquisite photo of this purple violet, a fantastic macro. Thank you for sharing with Today's Flowers. Your friendship and support is much appreciated. Happy day to you :)


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