Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016

Delight yourself in the Lord...

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." 

Psalm 37:4

Inspired by Scrapping Everyday Miracles May Challenge

Please note: This blog will be continue in a break. 
 I was just only in the mood for a little creativity.
In next time I will probably cut off from the Internet for several days,

  but I'll come back when it is possible.
Please don't miss me or invite me to parties... and have a nice time. 

Shared with image-in-ing, Rosegarden Malevik , Blue Monday 

12 Kommentare:

  1. You're so very creative. I'd not know where to start to do something like this, and mine would look stupid I'm sure!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/05/getting-ready-to-play.html

  2. A lovely picture story share; Have a good week Mascha

    Remember to drop in

    The Monday WRites linkup is live

    much love...

  3. Beautiful! Have a lovely week Mascha!

  4. Thank you for sharing with us at SEM. Please add the scripture inspiration to the piece you are submitting. Thanks!

  5. Thank you for sharing with us at SEM. Please add the scripture inspiration to the piece you are submitting. Thanks!

    1. What do you mean?
      I've made the whole series for this (I mostly work in picture-series) and a backlink is at the end.

  6. Oh my goodness, your scrapbooking pages are so beautiful. An artistic way to share your photos that I love so much. Thank you for sharing them on Blue Monday.

    xo, Jeanne

  7. Beautiful photography and scrapbook pages! I loved this. I am following you.
    Please come over and see my Blue Monday post and follow me!
    Have a good week.

  8. Wonderful verse and lovely photos.

  9. Absolutely love you amazing takes on our SEM Scripture inspiration...great job...and thanks for joining us! ~Cara, SEM Design Team


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