Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016

Two of hearts

It has always been this way
from the moment I met you,
that even if the whole world
said no, there was nothing
that could stand in the way
of our hearts who were here
to say yes.

- storypeople -

 (an old, prepared post from my archive)

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

5 Kommentare:

  1. My favourite is the old stone wall with the window in it. I wonder what the building once was?

  2. Mascha, I hope that you are well, I've been thinking of you! Thanks for sharing another of your amazing treasures, There is so much to see and enjoy. Take care and please stop back!

  3. toll Bearbeitungen und Fotos. Sehrr spannend, gefällt mir sehr gut
    LG susA

  4. Such interesting photos and collages. Good luck with your renovations (read your comment on Tom's blog).


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