Freitag, 30. Juni 2017

Friday Five and monastery garden

Good morning,
it's friday again - time for joining
with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five and
Tricky Wolf's Five on Friday.
Also shared with Gartenglück , ... just BE and All Seasons.


Cannot believe, how the time flies away.
The grain is ripening and many plants already carry seeds.
Deep in summertime....


Last monday I turned 57 and a half year.
Maybe, it's crazy, but we celebrate this day more than my birthday.


My birthday is in such cold grey time of the year, when nothing beautiful is to see around.
That made me sad in my childhood often (I grew up in a world of sparseness without 
all the colorful Chistmas decorations, delights and lights, as my have them today) 
and I have envied the children, who had summer birthdays
 and could celebrate it in the garden between roses... 
I've so much wished a summer birthday party all my childhood long!
Remembering of this, my love and I celebrate my half-birthday every year.


After a rainy morning we had a wonderful time in a monastery garden 
(Kloster Michaelstein by Blankenburg).
It's today a place for concerts, a museum of musical instruments 
and a marvellous public garden.
It's the best place, what we know here in our area (what we can reach with a bus) 
and a real spiritual energy place. 
The monks of past were knowing, where build there monasteries.
We had a wonderful day and did not notice how hours flew 
between fragrant plants and bee humming...


Outside of the monastery I found a stone at our way 
and took it with me as a souvenir.
It's my Michael-stone now (the monastery is named of the archangel Michael) 
and may remind me of this wonderful day.
Remind me more often to be there...

Have a wonderful weekend

Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2017


I’m ready to be inspired, she said & I said that’s not quite
how it works, so instead we sat in the garden,
breathing & watching the bees until she smiled quietly & said,
I forget it’s that simple.

-storypeople -

(Salvia sclarea)

Shared with Floral Bliss, Der Natur-Donnerstag, Floral Friday Fotos

Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017

Stuff, that comes along...

finally figured out that making a plan
for her whole life doesn’t get her out of stuff
that comes along whenever it feels like it

- storypeople -

Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2017

Ordinary life

Time stands still best in moments
that look suspiciously like ordinary life.

- storypeople -

Shared with Floral Bliss

Dienstag, 20. Juni 2017

Best love

I feel how you sit in stillness
& love the world with all you are
(because it is the same for me)
& still there is a part of me that
wants to hear your voice now
& then saying, You are the one
I love best of all.

- storypeople -

Montag, 19. Juni 2017


This globe symbolizes the sun.
Here's the begin of the "Planet Way" through our town.
At different places from here the various planets are arranged
 in their scale to the sun.
(Photos made last winter)