Montag, 19. Juni 2017


This globe symbolizes the sun.
Here's the begin of the "Planet Way" through our town.
At different places from here the various planets are arranged
 in their scale to the sun.
(Photos made last winter)

11 Kommentare:

  1. Nice an beauty sunglobe
    Have a good week Mascha :-)

  2. ...this is the first that I've seen the sun today...a cloudy day!

  3. Herrlich leuchtend sonnige Fotos! Lieben Gruß Ghislana

  4. Beautiful golden sun and that was a great idea to make a "Planet way". My kids would have love that when they where small.

  5. En vacker solskensbild! Solen strålar i klotet = kärlek 💛

  6. Beautiful sunglobe !
    Nice pictures.

    Happy midtsummerdays from Anne-Mari

  7. Well Mascha! Your pics were certainly the most different ones in this theme! Love the globe which is the sun and vice versa. You are really creatie here - love it-)

  8. A different sun, but I like it :)

  9. What a good idea to put the planets that way! I like your sun!

  10. Beautiful pic of a different and really beautiful Sun Like this !!
    Thank you


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