Freitag, 16. Juni 2017

Friday Five and dancing people

Good morning,
its friday again and time to join with Five on Friday
and Willy Nilly Friday Five.
I'm also sharing this post with All Seasons .


The time flies so fast and we're really arrived in summertime.
I hardly notice it, the last times were sickness and problems enough.


After more than six weeks I'm still dealing with the rests
of my bronchitis and sinusitis, it doesn't pass away.


Nevertheless I've gone for a little swim three mornings in this week.
I think, a bit of fun can not be a misstake, I've had enough of all this disease!
The water is quite warm in our public pool and I have enjoyed it.
It only remains still next week for this pleasure, afterwards the summer holidays 
begin and the pool will be completely overcrowded. 
 So I had to go!


This weekend here is our yearly town festival, a lot of noise and folks...
But our library makes a book flea market and we necessarily must go and look!
Other things there are not very interesting. 
It's all just only for sales and business.
Earlier, in the time of GDR the town festivals were much nicer,
people were cheerful without money and material things.
Today they have unlearned to celebrate....


At last a funny dance video, I like the song

Enjoy your weekend

Around Roanoke

17 Kommentare:

  1. Enjoy your festival, I'm sure it will be fun. I always like to look at the plant stall at ours.

  2. Glad you got to swim in the pool. It's nice to be a little refreshed in these hot days.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. ...Mascha, I'm saddened to hear of your continued health concerns, enjoy the festival like you did in the past.

  4. Vakker blomst.
    Håpe du snart blir helt frisk av infeksjonen i luftveiene.
    Det er godt for helsen å bade.
    Ha det fint på festivalen og god helg fra Anne-Mari

  5. Hope you continue getting more and more well. Love that you got some swimming in!

  6. Hope you continue to get better, bronchitis sure can stick around, no fun. Hope you have a wonderful and fun weekend enjoying the festival.

  7. That is such a delicate flower. - So sorry to hear that you've still lingered with illness, Bronchitis is not fun at all. - Glad you had time to go swimming though.

  8. Such a sweet flowers and the dance music is fun. Hope you are getting better.

  9. Each one of your posts are so creative ~ I had hard time choosing which to respond to ~ I chose this one because of its elegance and simplicity and divine photography ~ thanks, ~ ^_^

    Thanks for visiting my blog ~ ^_^

  10. Thank you Mascha for sharing these beautiful white flowers with All Seasons. Thank you for your email. At wordpress they think all bloggers are computer nuts, and there are so many blog themes where they found yet another way to show the comments (maybe they think they're artistic, haha - not!). I added the instructions of the Seasons post this week (I was planning it, but then I forgot).
    Hope this solves it for you, but let me know please, when you still have trouble!

  11. I hope you found some good books at the flea market. Summer is the perfect time to stay indoors and read.

  12. Very pretty flower and I LOVE the music. It sounds like a local band called the Yid Vicous Klezmer Ensemble. I hope your sinuses and bronchitis clear up, it's even worse to suffer through that in the summer. Fun dancing, enjoy the pool while you can. I will probably go for a swim today despite the small storm passing through.

  13. Such a dreamy image! Stunning & beautiful!

  14. Hope you find some joy and uncommercialism in your festival.

  15. I love that flower shot, and enjoyed your Friday Five....I hope you are having a good week.

  16. Beautiful flower Mascha! Hope you had fun at the festival! Thanks for linking up and WN will be ready in the morning! Hope to see you then 😊

  17. apologies for me being so late to get round to visiting, thank you for taking part in Five on Friday with us :) hope you have a wonderful weekend x


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