Sonntag, 18. Juni 2017


A music project from Portugal

5 Kommentare:

  1. very beautiful lightingstudies

  2. ...Mascha, such interesting fotos paired with this haunting tune that is new to me. Thanks for sharing, I hope to see you back again.

  3. Light in so many interesting aspects! (The first picture, it reminds me of some moments, when I tried to photograph the moon in night :)... it was fun, because my camera don't focus to well without light.)
    The tune is so relaxing, in a dynamic "medieval rhythm"! Like it so much... Thank you for sharing them with all of us!
    A very sunny day and creative new week to you!

  4. Flames descending the stairs! :-)
    Thank you for linking up with the "my Sunday Best" meme!


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