Montag, 5. Juni 2017

Purple flower

Marc Gunn (quote from youtube):
The song title, "Purple Flower" strikes me as funny. I still have no clue what kind of flower it was that I saw while walking through the castle's field. It ultimately didn't matter. It was the beauty that struck me, not the name. Which is why I decided to use such a generic name for the song... a random purple flower that reminded me of my love.

This recording was made in November 2015 at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival

Purple Flower Lyrics

There's a wren on a rock wall
Thorny gorse grows all around
It is miles to the ocean
And to auld Galway town
My feet feel so weary The miles feel so weary
Without you by my side
So I'll pick this purple flower
For the day we reunite

Here's a flower, my darling
From the banks of Ross Lake
It will sit by my bedside
Til your form I embrace

I walk the Aran Islands
Honeysuckle is all in bloom
The rock roads seem harder
With my heart missing you
Though the beer is ever flowing
And the craic is quite grand
Though the music may be growing
It is lonely in this land.

The sun rises too slowly
Over Galway's brisk bay
Crashing waves seem to slow us
As we sail from the quay
I see you by the pierside
And my heart starts to soar
In my hand is your purple flower
Now you're mine once more

Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Masha, there is so much to enjoy this morning, rich purple colors and the wonderful tune. Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you back again.


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